Rosh Chodesh Elul Services

In case you missed Rosh Chodesh services at on Friday night, here’s the video. If you didn’t know, I’m leading monthly Rosh Chodesh services at every month! Come join me. You can attend in your pajamas through the wonder of cyberspace, the service is posted on the OneShul Prayer Service page. It’s live streaming video and during the service there is a live chat space (text, not video) so you can engage and interact with me and the other people who are attending.

Opening Painting: Elul by D’vorah Horn (used by permission of the artist)
Opening Music: Luley (psalm 27) Healing Chants for the Soul by Miraj
Additional Music: Tehom by Holly Shere from Hallelujah All Night (not yet available),  and The Spirit is Flowing from Wild Earth Shebrew