Poem for Passover

I’ve been very much rethinking my haggadah for this year, and working on a new version (which I hope to have ready for you all next year).

Over on Facebook, I’ve been sharing some of my interpretations of the Psalms that comprise Hallel.  I thought I would share here the new poem I’ve written that as my primary kavanah for the new haggadah.  I call my new Haggadah the “Aggadah Haggadah” — it’s a haggadah all about stories and the power they have in our lives.

I offer this as as a gift to you all.  I hope it gives you a new way to think about why we each personally engage in the Passover seder each year.

 Kavanah haAggadah

our stories

make us

who we are.

only they

travel with us

near or far.

remember when?

 where were you?

these are the things

that define us


these are the moments

that bind us
