Aspected Monotheism

What a great term “Aspected Monotheism” is. I discovered this term this morning on my commute to work, and I had to take a few minutes to share this. Now, I need to be clear I did not invent this term — I found it an email I had saved to my Palm Pilot. My friend and fellow Jewitch Asherah Batyah, whose writing I’ve featured on this site in the past, came up with it.

She’s someone that I have a lot of respect for, and our paths seem to fairly parallel, so I learn a lot from her writing that is directly relevant for me.

“Aspected Monotheism” resonates with me as about the best, simple definition of my view of the Divine that could be given. I believe in one great source of Divine — but that there are aspects of that great whole that are presented to us to allow us to gain greater understanding, and that even we Humans are aspects of the Divine, in a way.

Thanks Asherah for my morning buzz!


  1. Thank you for this. I've often found myself struggling for this term. I've shifted through several iterations of Echumenical and Agnotic with various attempts at proper adjectives. I'd even made an attempt at fitting in with Dieism..

    This is a nicely descriptive term. Thanks for sharing it.

  2. Thanks, Carly! I just found your posting and am very touched. The respect and sentiment are very mutual! Wouldn't it be great if we lived in the same area?

    If not the exact term, I've seen the basic idea of 'Aspected Monotheism' expressed in many similar ways, so I want to be careful about taking undue credit. :)

    The aspected component is something I visualize as a prism, where the Light (i.e., Unity) is refracted into its component colours of the spectrum, with all possible sub-gradations of hue.

    Thanks for your posting. You made my day.


    Asherah B.


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