21st Century Mad Men

Hmmmm….now that Mad Men is going off the air, where will I get my better than real life fix of advertising agency life?  Apparently CBS has got me covered with a new show this fall staring Robin Williams (seriously) and Sarah Michelle Gellar.  So good to see Sarah Michelle Gellar get another show so quickly after Ringers, and something that showcases her comedic talent.  Yes, I’m a Buffy fan-girl, so I’m always rooting for Ms. Gellar to find her next star turn.

Considering it’s a comedy on CBS, I didn’t have high hopes, but I just watched the preview and I am amused.  At least all the women aren’t secretaries, and it certainly seems to capture the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party that is agency life.  Plus, you’ve got to love the chutzpah of naming it “The Crazy Ones,” as a blatant reference to Mad Men. I have to say that it’s a great use of Kelly Clarkson in the pilot, too.