Archive for August, 2008

Peeling a Pomegranate Rosh Hashanah 2008/5769

Come and join in the 6th annual Peeling a Pomegranate Rosh Hashanah service/ritual!

This service/ritual is perfect for Jewitches, Jewish Pagans, Pagans of Jewish Ethnicity, or anyone who feel that annual call of the ancestors, and wish to celebrate the “birthday of the world,” but is looking for a more participatory and earth-based experience.  While this service is is intended for Earth-based Jews, it is open to any, Jewish or Gentiles, who wish to attend.

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Kashrus Wrestling

Home of the Kosher style Burrito by hsivonen - Used by Creative Commons Attribution

Home of the Kosher style Burrito by hsivonen - Used by Creative Commons Attribution

This was one issue I thought I had some personal closure on.  I first wrote my own statement on eco-kosher to follow around four or five years ago.  I was sure that traditional kashrus held no pull for me and that honoring the spirit of it was enough.  Considering I have an interfaith marriage and a husband who cures his own bacon and makes bacon vodka, it was really for the best that traditional kosher held no allure.

Right.  So.  The voices in my head just mean I’m crazy right?

Nope.  See, when you talk to G!(d)dess(s)(es) and take the time to listen — G!(d)dess(s)(es) talks back.  And my friend and mentor Angela Raincatcher has always taught me that you never bargain with G!(d)dess(s)(es) because s/t/he/y only bargain up.

So what’s a girl to do when she’s getting clear messages that explore a more traditional kosher path is important for spiritual growth and she’s got hams curing in her fridge that aren’t hers?

Continue reading ‘Kashrus Wrestling’

2008 Adirondack Adventure

2008 Adirondack Adventure, originally uploaded by Carly & Art.

Pictures from my recent trip to the Adirondack mountains. Notice the lovely camping Shabbas table in the bottom row and the challah french toast over the campfire, along with my husband roasting his own coffee beans Click through for originals and more detail.

The mushrooms were amazing up there. There was so much rain, it’s not surprising, but it has really gotten me into mushroom hunting. I found morels for the first time this past spring, but that’s not enough! I want more. I’m pretty sure that I also found a lactaria deliciosa, but I wasn’t sure enough to chow down on it.

I also found a great article on the Kashrus of mushrooms. Apparently they are considered doubly blessed because they can replace so many treif foods.

My husband also said that it upped the witchy-factor that I could identify a mushroom called “The Sickener.” I feel like I should do some crazy cackle every time I say that.

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B’Chesed Randy Pausch

May we use our remaining days 1/2 as well as this man did.  The world was a better place for his being here.  Somehow I missed the news of his passing on July 25th, and just learned about this today.

Mourner’s Kaddish - A Prayer from the Living

I send you on with love in my heart 
Crying tears of joy for the life you have lived 
Praising the Source of Life for connecting our lives,
I send you on to the next life 

I send me on the way you lived 
Embracing who you were, not the space that you leave
Praising the Source of Life for allowing us to love,
I send you on to the next life 

I send you on without fear 
I will not curse or rend my garments 
Praising the Source of Life for granting us time,
I send you on to the next life 

I send you on with praise
Singing songs of joy for all creation
Praising the Source of Life giving us life,
I send you on to the next life 

I send you on with libations and toasts 
Drinking to health and drinking to life 
Praising the Source of Life for giving us words to share,
I send you on to the next life 

I send you on with stones not flowers 
I will not add death to death 
Praising the Source of Life for all creation
I send you on to the next life

This Kaddish I wrote a few years ago feels so appropriate for this man’s amazing final days.

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