Archive for February, 2008

Going to Miami…

Graduation Day - I

I’m leaving tomorrow for a conference in Miami. That’s somewhere I haven’t been in a long time. The last time I was in Miami was probably nine or ten years ago — before I got married at least. I’m a proud Hurricane alum, but there’s been a lot of years and life lived between college me and now. Knowing that I’m heading down there and will be spending several days on the campus have gotten me thinking about a lot of things.

The first thing it inevitably brought to mind is how few people I’ve kept in contact with from college. Heck, not just college — anything before I moved to DC. I only have one friend who knew me when I had a Boston accent. I’ve randomly run into a few of my friends from college over the years. One I ended up working at the same company with about a year later. We had a great reunion and then haven’t spoken since. One woman actually moved to DC, but we just had nothing left in common.

The Internet has allowed me to see what some of my college friends have done with themselves. Most of us seem to have left theatre far, far behind. But while I now know a little of where a few of them are, there’s been no spark of renewed friendship — save one. A call to faith has been an unexpected connection with one old friend and given us common ground. If we’re not friends again, we’re something new. People connected by a small, shared history and faith that leads us into the future.

I’m sure the campus will be different and exactly the same. I’m not sure I can resist the urge to head over to my old department — if it’s still in the same building — and walk the halls once. I’m sure the clouds of cigarette smoke are gone, along with all the faculty I knew. But I’m curious what traces are left. What ghosts of the past are still there? What altars will be there so I can leave an offering of thanks to who I was, and those who helped shape my path?

The truth is I’ll probably be so busy be in the now that any ghosts will walk right by. As I write this I’ve faded into a reverie — but I’m really at one with who I’ve become and the experiences that have brought me here. Without all of that I wouldn’t be this person now. I’m not sure I could begin to explain to a 20 year-old me about where life will take her over the next 15 years. I don’t think 20 year-old me would believe it!

נברך שכינה אלוהינו רוח העולם שהחיתנו וקימתנו והיגעתנו לזמן הזה
N’varech Shekhina Elohenu Ruach HaOlam Shehecheyatnu V’kiy’matnu V’higiatnu Laz’man Hazeh

Let us bless the Presence of the Divine, Spirit of the World, who has granted us life, sustained us, and enabled us to reach this time.

I’ll find somewhere to honor the past, because it’s made me who I am. But I have no desire to go back and there’s so little I’d consider changing. I wonder what the next 15 years will look like!?!

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Lilith Sketch

Lilith Sketch

This design came to me in an absolute flash of inspiration.  When Lilith starts talking, I stop what I’m doing and pay attention.  Apropos of nothing, I started seeing elements of a 6×6′ design of her and immediately grabbed my notebook and started to sketch and make notes.  (Continued at

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Eco Challenge: February 2008

Be my Valentine button, originally uploaded by DryIcons.

So the group I was pulling the eco-challenges from last year has stopped posting them, so now I have to come up with my own. I’m a bit late, but here’s February’s. If you decide to take the challenge, then leave a comment below and share your experience.

Locavore Valentine’s Day
This Valentine’s Day see if you can give your sweetie a Locavore Valentine! For the purposes of this challenge that means that all the ingredients or materials that make up your gift come from within a 100 mile radius of where you live. The only exception is if you already have an element in your possession (e.g. paper you bought ages ago).

That means if you want to bake something you won’t be able to use vanilla or chocolate (most people), and you’ll need to find flour from a local mill. Oh and for those of us in the North, flowers will be out of bounds because they are shipped in from warmer climates.

So get creative and see what you can create with all local materials and ingredients. Be sure to check out your local farmer’s market — you’d be amazed at what you’ll find!

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